Professional Speaker

I have been a paid professional speaker since 2008 where I have spoken to professional groups as well as patient groups. The following are just some of the talks I have previously given. 

Continuing Education Programs for Professionals

Working With Patients with Cognitive Impairment:

This continuing education presentation is geared to clinical case managers, social workers and other practitioners. The program covers the many causes of cognitive impairment and assessing for it using the Mini Mental Status Exam. The practitioner will also learn the functional and emotional symptoms of cognitive impairment as well as strategies to help patients and families with discharge as well as finding new and useful strategies communicating with the patients/clients dealing with any types of cognitive impairment.

 The Whole Picture: Support for Patients and Their Caregivers

This program is geared toward doctors, nurse practitioners, social workers and nurse clinicians who are working with patients and families who are in treatment do to a trauma, including motor vehicle accidents, chronic illness, or other traumas where Post Traumatic Stress might become a problem. The content addresses treating the whole person including treating the patient’s emotional needs after a traumatic event. The talk also addresses the needs of caregivers who are caring for their loved one, specifically addressing caregiver burnout and other life stresses. This program can be adapted to fit any traumatic event or chronic illness. The participant will be introduced into a number of assessment tools and learn strategies to aid in the emotional recovery of these patients and caregivers.

 Cancer’s Effects on Sex and Sexuality: Assessing and Helping Your Patients.

This presentation is geared toward nurses and social workers that work with cancer patients in the outpatient oncology setting, though it can be retooled to meet the needs of nurses and social workers in the primary care setting as well. This program is set to help the practitioner become comfortable assessing patients needs around sexual functioning as well as sexual intimacy. The participants will learn assessment tools and strategies to help patients address what can be a sensitive subject for both patient and practitioner.

 Helping Your Patients Maintain Hope: Even in an a Seemingly Hopeless Medical Situation

This continuing education presentation is geared toward the entire medical team who are treating complex, difficult and often terminal medical conditions in their practice. This program will provide strategies and ideas to help the patients live well within the framework of their current health crisis or condition. The practitioner will learn about implementing mindfulness strategies and help their patients understand the concept of “now”. In addition they will learn ways to help their patients grieve their loss due to their medical condition as well as getting a deep understanding that sometimes they “cannot fix it”.

 Empowering Our Patients: Using Stress Management and Spirituality

This program is geared towards therapists, case managers, nurse clinicians and other health care providers working in a health and wellness setting. The health care practitioner will be introduced to: The Social Readjustment Rating Scale as well as other assessment tools to help their patient/clients with their psychosocial needs. They will learn stress management strategies as well as spiritual ideas to help patients maintain wellness and during difficult times. This program also covers areas of nutrition, exercise and overall healthier living strategies.

 Boundaries and Professionalism in Health Care: Knowing the Limits

This continuing education program is geared toward all health care professionals including nurses, social workers, physical therapists, dietitians, occupation therapists as well as doctors. This talk covers professional code of ethics for each discipline and how that code impacts concerns around these professional boundaries. It also covers use of self-disclosure and the problems with boundary violations. The practitioner will learn strategies on ways to connect with their patient/clients in a meaningful and thoughtful way.

Programs in Development:

Are You Culturally Competent?: Understanding What Cultural Competence is in the Heath Care Setting

Grasping a Basic Understanding  of Transgender Identity


Education and Informational Programs for Clients and Patients 

Let’s Talk About Sex: An Open and Frank Discussion of Sex and Sexual Intimacy After Cancer (Can be retooled for any chronic illness that is disruptive to sexual intimacy, especially after a heart attack which is a serious impairment to sexual intimacy)

This presentation or better yet, conversation is geared toward men and women who have any kind of cancer (or other health crisis that affects the sexual relationship). Cancer participants can be in early treatment, survivorship or in continuous treatment due to chronic cancer. The discussion will include the physical issues around cancer and chronic illness that causes sexual problems as well as the emotional concerns including self-esteem and sexual self-identity. The presentation will also cover communication strategies as well other practical ideas and tools to deal with the physical problems associated with sexual concerns.

 Hope 2: (Squared)

This patient/client focused presentation is geared toward those dealing with difficult and often terminal medical conditions. This program will provide strategies and ideas to help the participants live well within the framework of their current health crisis or condition. They will learn about implementing mindfulness strategies and learn the concept of “now”. In addition they will learn ways to grieve their loss due to their medical condition as well as getting a deep understanding that sometimes they must “accept” their condition but continue to move forward anyway.

What People are Saying:

"Thank you so much for presenting at Hot Topics in Breast Cancer 2014.

I think your presentation helped to bring light to a topic that has been long ignored!"

Wellness House of Hindsdale, IL

"Thank you for presenting at our last Cancer Connections! You helped make it successful !

Patients really appreciated hearing you and learning from you"                                          

Luie Cancer Center